Video Interview with Steve McCready!

Spencer TammingCamp News

We’re excited for you to get to know Steve McCready, our new Executive Director! If you missed our announcement yesterday, you can read the update from our board and welcome Steve on Facebook. We are thankful that Rich Birch, our former Executive Director, has taken an active role in welcoming Steve to the Mini-Yo-We community and passing on the baton …

Let’s Send 78 Kids to Camp!

Spencer TammingBlog

We have an ambitious goal for Giving Tuesday! We hope to raise enough funds to send 78 kids to Camp Mini-Yo-We next summer. Would you help by joining other members of our community and giving generously on December 3, 2024? Your Chance to Help Others “To say a simple thank you seems too small and insignificant to display my gratitude …

A Non-Stop Endurance Challenge: The Brent Run Documentary

Spencer TammingBlog

Brent Run 2024 is a 16-minute adventure film that follows two families on a gruelling 162-kilometer journey through Algonquin Park. They pushed themselves to complete in under 48 hours what usually takes 8 to 10 days—all to raise over $125,000 to send kids to Camp Mini-Yo-We. The film captures the highs and lows of this epic challenge, from breathtaking scenery …

What Parents Are Saying About Summer 2024

Spencer TammingBlog

As we look back on Summer 2024, it’s clear that Camp Mini-Yo-We left a lasting impression on both campers and their families. From lifelong friendships to spiritual growth, parents shared heartwarming feedback about their children’s camp experiences. We pulled together the stories, quotes and numbers from this year’s survey to give you a snapshot of what families are saying! Friendship …

Better With Friends: Unlocking the Magic of Camp Mini-Yo-We

Spencer TammingBlog

One of the tips we share with parents looking to maximize their kids’ experience at Camp Mini-Yo-We is this: bring their friends along! Families who have been with us for a while may have noticed little communities forming among those who return year after year during the same week. These families choose to bring their children to Mini-Yo-We alongside their …

A Look Inside the Mini-Yo-We Internship

Spencer TammingBlog

Risa van Lenthe has been a Mini-Yo-We camper, LIT and staff member—and she’s returning to Camp again this summer as our Rocks & Ropes Head! She also participated in the 2022-23 MYW Internship. We asked her to share her insider’s perspective on the program. What were some internship highlights? When I ponder the internship, I think about the relationships I …

Work Party Wrap-Up – The Impact of Weekend Volunteers!

Spencer TammingBlog

As our work parties come to a close for 2023, it got me thinking back to when I first started serving at Camp on the weekends. I have great memories from back in university of making the trek up north to serve alongside friends of the ministry tackling various projects around the facility. Whether we were leveling a tabin or …

4 Exciting Opportunities For You (& Your Family) at Camp Mini-Yo-We

Spencer TammingBlog

Feel like your family could benefit from a FREE day away in Muskoka?  Interested in a fun way that your family could contribute to making the Mini-Yo-We experience better for others?  Are you Mini-Yo-We alumni and want to relive a time-honoured tradition at Camp? Or perhaps you’re searching for a fulfilling way to volunteer and give back to our community …

Serving Behind the Scenes at Camp Mini-Yo-We

Spencer TammingSummer Staff

Through my time at Camp Mini-Yo-We I have loved working behind the scenes doing my small part to make Camp tick. Back when I joined Camp in 2007, that meant waking up early to clean the lodge before parents arrived or picking up garbage on my walk over to Sunday chapel. During Spring Crew it was often larger projects like …

That’s a Wrap: Reflections on 2022

Spencer TammingBlog

Warning: December 31 is Coming! Before we jump into some reflections on this year, there are three things I don’t want you to miss before December 31st. Check it out:  Help volunteers through a year-end gift // We’re right in the middle of a campaign to dramatically improve both our accommodations and bathroom facilities as a thank you for our …