For 75 summers, Girls’ Camp has served as a platform for impact and life change! Tens of thousands of young women have come through the gates of this facility to learn more about Jesus, grow closer to Him and develop as tomorrow’s leaders. This vitally important ministry infrastructure needs your help to continue serving campers for years to come!
For 2022, Camp Mini-Yo-We’s facility focus is on helping upgrade and improve Girls’ Camp! We already have several projects in motion, including:
- Campfire Point Grandstands // Campers will enjoy watching the incredible Mary Lake sunsets as they enjoy campfires at this world-famous spot at Girls’ Camp!
- Fresh Coat of Paint Cabins // Most of our cabins have a brand-new paint job, and our team will complete this in the spring.
- Yo Camp Washroom Replacement // The old washroom is gone, and our team is in full swing replacing this facility as a part of our multi-year project to upgrade all our washrooms across our facility.
Those projects are fully funded and well underway; however, we have two highly crucial projects that need your help to fund before December 31, 2021. Your gift between now and the end of the year will help us move forward with these projects confidently.
Your generous gift to our 2021 Christmas Campaign will create a better future for Girls’ Camp and impact girls for years to come!
The waterfront has always been a core part of our campers’ experience at Mini-Yo-We. Your gift will enable us to complete a multi-year project to reconstruct all our waterfronts to make them even more fun and safe. The Girls’ Camps waterfront is where memories that last a lifetime are made. Thank you in advance for your helping improve this area!
The Girls’ Camp Lodge is the heart of Girls’ Camp. In the summer of 2019, the fireplace was condemned and no longer can provide a welcoming fire on those chillier mornings. Your gift will change that for next summer! Plus, our roof urgently needs a complete replacement to keep the weather off our campers. Help keep them warm and dry this summer.
We are grateful for your gift of any size. Please consider the chart below if you are looking for a suggested amount. To meet our goal of $105,000, we need the Mini-Yo-We family to step up and support this campaign in various capacities.
- 1 gift in the $15,000 range
- 4 gifts in the $5,500 range
- 8 gifts in the $4,000 range
- 15 gifts in the $1,500 range
- 25 gifts in the $500 range
- 50+ gifts in the $250 range
We’re not asking you to give today. In fact, we’d be honoured if you and your family would take some time to pray about how you might become involved with this campaign. We know that God can provide the funds that we need to complete these projects. We’d invite you to pray about what you could give!
When you’re ready to donate, you can do so in multiple ways:
- By Cheque // Mail your gift to our office at 1878 Muskoka Road 10, Port Sydney, Ontario, P0B 1L0
- Online // We have a special Christmas Campaign giving form set up. Click here to give now.
- Securities // You can donate stocks to Camp. Click here to read more about how to give in this way.
Remember: 100% of your donations to Camp Mini-Yo-We are tax-deductible. Please give before midnight on December 31st, 2021, to receive a receipt for this tax year.
As we say at Girls’ Camp – Thanks for the day, comrades!