Welcome again to another episode of the Mini-Yo-We Mom podcast. This is a special episode and we’re excited to have Christine chatting with Cathy, the registrar at Camp Mini-Yo-We.
Cathy got involved with Camp Mini-Yo-We as a new Christian through an employee who offered her a discount for her boys to experience the summer there. She now works with the camp as the registrar to help other families enjoy the experiences her boys did as they grew. She talks with us today about registering your children for camp and what to do when plans change.
- Ease into overnight trips. // One of the things Cathy encounters a lot when parents are registering their kids for the first time are the one whose kids have never spent the night away from them. Summer is still several months away and so there is time to introduce sleepaways by letting your child stay at a friend’s or relative’s house. This lets them know that mom and dad are just a phone call away but gives them the chance to experience being away for the first time before going to camp.
- Missing their routine. // Being away at camp is totally different from the things kids normally encounter at home and can feel a bit overwhelming, especially for younger campers. Pack a few décor items to put up around bed or small familiar items to take with them.
- Register early, change early. // A lot of people register early, some even registering right after the previous year’s camp. A lot of things can change during that time and so parents may have to change their week. It’s not a problem for Cathy to change weeks around, but the sooner parents contact her the better. Weeks will fill up fast, especially week two. If kids are looking for a certain instruction, you’ll need to switch your week sooner or sign up sooner. Some instructions, such as rock climbing, have smaller groups and may fill up quickly.
- Refer families and get discounts. // If you are referring another family that is brand new to Camp Mini-Yo-We, you and that family will receive a $50 discount. The registration process doesn’t give you the opportunity to put in a code, so either send Cathy an email or call the office so that they know to keep an eye out for the new family and put in the discount on their end. You can refer up to 5 families and receive discounts.
- Friends can stick together. // Groups of friends can even be arranged to be in the same cabins! So families that are being referred by another family can have their kids assigned to the same cabin, but both families must agree.
- There is still space to sign up for camp. // August is a great week for camp because things are slowing down. Week 7 is at the end of summer when everyone is getting ready for school, so there is more open space. It’s a great time to enjoy one last summer adventure before heading off back to school!
You can contact Cathy by email at cathy@miniyowe.com or by calling the camp office at 705-385-2629 and ask for Cathy.
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