2025 Mini-Yo-We Internship: Mid-Year Review

Camp MYWBlog

Camp Mini-Yo-We launched its 2024-25 Internship at the end of August. It’s hard to believe our terrific group of nine young leaders are almost halfway through the program! When we asked them to reflect on their experiences so far, there were common themes of adventures, serving and community. Please keep them in your prayers as they host our guest groups this winter, while continuing to deepen their faith and develop their leadership skills.

Amelie Floer

As a German doing the Internship at Camp there are a lot of great opportunities to grow: learning the language better, growing as a leader, growing in faith, learning new skills and learning how to teach activities. For me personally, I can already tell I have grown in my leadership role, not only through hosting but especially through being responsible for my own activity group. I have become way more comfortable speaking and connecting with new people. 

Another great thing about the Internship is the friendships I’ve made. Every single person brings a lot of different skills, experience and knowledge to the team. This makes working and living together really interesting and a lot of fun!

Caleb Scholman

Overall, my experience with the Internship has been absolutely amazing! It has been great to be in a small Christian community that supports and grows with you. One of my favourite parts is hosting the guest groups that come in. It can be really fun not only to run their activities, but also to talk with them while doing so. Another aspect I have really enjoyed is the mission trip we went on in Hamilton. It was amazing being able to live out our faith practices in a hands-on way and being able to make such a big impact firsthand.

Emmie Goodfellow

My first few months of the Mini-Yo-We Internship have been hard work but so incredibly rewarding. I’ve been able to experience many different things I wouldn’t normally get the chance to do. We’ve gone on a mission trip in Hamilton to help feed and provide clothing to the community by working with different organizations, gone on hikes in both Algonquin Park and Arrowhead, and worked onsite here at Mini-Yo-We with our Operations teams. We have also had guest groups come and participate in our different activities, and we spend a lot of time feeding them as well. However, my favourite thing I have been able to do is live and work alongside a community of like-minded individuals who help challenge me in various different aspects of my life.

Erwin Hühne

The Internship program is one of the most exciting and educational chapters of my life. Here at Camp Mini-Yo-We, I experience a unique combination of community, fun, personal and spiritual growth, and learning. Additionally, I have the opportunity to serve others in God’s name. When I arrived at the camp four months ago, everything was new and exciting. Because the intern team works and lives together daily, we quickly became a close-knit group.

One special experience for me has been learning to host and care for a wide variety of large guest groups of all ages successfully. I particularly enjoy leading our guests through the many cool outdoor sports activities and guiding them along the way. I also love that it gives me the chance to meet many different people and learn about their personalities. My personal favourite activities at Mini-Yo-We are definitely the water sports on Mary Lake, such as canoeing and kayaking.

What’s also great about our Internship is we learn not only from our leaders but also a lot from our teammates. This applies not only to our practical work but also to our personal Christian faith in everyday life. For example, we have weekly Bible studies where we exchange thoughts on exciting theological topics and gain new insights into God’s Word.

Another thing I love is that life at Camp is never boring. Part of the program involves regularly stepping out of our comfort zones and taking on personal challenges. A great example of this is our mission trip to Hamilton. We went to an underprivileged area and helped care for people. The often striking images and experiences we encountered there made us reflect deeply as a team and taught us a lot.

We also go on many excursions where we explore and discover Canada’s cities and nature. Personal highlights for me include our trip to Niagara Falls and an outing to North Bay where we watched a hockey game.

I also appreciate that our leaders are always open to listening to us and regularly hold reflection sessions with us. All in all, I am very grateful to have found a wonderful community and a second home here at Camp.

Eva Hufendiek

I came from Germany to do the Internship at Camp Mini-Yo-We. Now we are halfway through. We have had a lot of opportunities to learn and grow. When I came to Camp, I really appreciated the community and how we got welcomed to the team. As we started working with groups, I was really scared of talking and unsure how to act in front of them but with time I got used to it.

One part I like about the Internship are the weekly Bible studies. They have honestly helped me to grow in my faith. One of my favourite experiences was our sleepover on the island. But also our mission trip to Hamilton was an opportunity to learn a lot and to remember to be thankful.

Jörn Vinnay

Coming from Germany, working at Camp has been a fantastic way to experience Canadian culture. What I enjoy most is the diverse work and the amazing team. One minute I’m leading a fun activity like pedal go-karts, guiding kids on exciting trails, or getting to know Canadian youth culture — and the next I’m hosting a group and putting my communicational skills to the test. Additionally, we have a lot of hands-on projects where you can learn many industrial arts, like demolishing a playground. There’s truly something for everyone! But the fun doesn’t stop when work is over. A trip to Algonquin Park, complete with a cultural program about the history of lumbering and an unforgettable snowball fight, is a highlight I’ll never forget.

Ronja Baumann

Being an intern at Camp Mini-Yo-We has been an exciting journey till now, full of new experiences. At the beginning, we had training and time to get used to everything, which was really helpful and fun. A few of my favourite memories are the night on the island and going to Niagara Falls after the mission trip. Working with groups is really nice I especially like doing high ropes or the rock wall with them. It’s a great time to have conversations and get to know them. Working and living in the intern team is really cool and I enjoy spending time with them and getting to know everyone better. 🙂

Vincent Ko 

Coming from the bustling city life in Toronto to being an intern here at Camp Mini-Yo-We, I knew life would flip on its head for me. With the fact that I came into the Internship a month late, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried, but I was welcomed with open arms and made to feel like part of the family. Throughout the first 2 months I have already made so many memories, learned so many lessons, and gained experiences I would never have thought would be possible. Being an intern at Camp Mini-Yo-We has given me the environment to really express myself and what I love and live for whether that’s laughing and making lifelong memories with the groups while leading them in activities or bonding and just experiencing life with my fellow interns. I am already so grateful for the experience and cannot wait to see what God has in store for us!

Find Out More!

These leaders are featured in a new promo video on the Mini-Yo-We Internship page — be sure to check it out! That page also has details about the program as well as an interest form and a link to the online application form. If you have any questions, reach out to Jez Bell, our Year-Round Program Director at jez@miniyowe.com. The 2025-26 cohort is filling up fast!