The Mini-Yo-We Community is incredibly generous. You might not know that the costs of Camp are underwritten by a segment of donors who donate generously to help fuel what we do. We literally couldn’t do what we do without our donor community.
Every so often, we have people approach us and ask to sponsor kids to come to Mini-Yo-We… which we love! Our mission starts with thousands of campers coming every summer and 150+ of these campers come on a sponsorship. These donors come to us with a few different scenarios of the relationship they have with the kids. We want to clarify as to how you can send kids to Mini-Yo-We and that is in full compliance with the regulations that we operation under.
Camp Mini-Yo-We is a registered charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency. We follow a number of guidelines to stay in compliance with that agency. Our registered status means that when people make a donation to us, they can receive a receipt that they can use on their income tax return every year to lower their effective tax rate. In order to able to issue a charitable tax receipt, no benefit should be accrued to the person who is making the donation. It’s this stipulation that guides us when you send kids to Mini-Yo-We during summer time. That said, here are the two ways to send a child to Camp (besides just registering your own kids!).
Option #1 // Make a donation to our Sponsorship Fund
Every year, we have parents who contact us seeking financial help for their kids coming to Mini-Yo-We. Our desire is that no kids should be turned away because of finances. We have an online sign-up form and we ask them to pay something for the experience. Our experience is that parents that pay even a nominal amount towards their Mini-Yo-We experience get the most out the experience for their kids. We grant sponsorship monies throughout the spring and summer as they become available.
The Camper Sponsorship Fund is fueled by friends of Camp Mini-Yo-We who make charitable donations to this fund. They either mail us in the resources or donate online through our simple, safe and secure online giving interface. 100% of the funds given to the Camper Sponsorship Fund are tax deductible because there is no relationship between the people making the donations and the families receiving the benefit.
Option #2 // Pay directly for a camper to come to Mini-Yo-We
We also have people who choose to send a child directly to Camp that they identify. Sometimes, these include family members (nephews, nieces, grandkids, etc.) or family friends (kids next door, friends from church, etc.) or maybe it’s a child with a tangential connection (co-workers child, kid from across town, etc.). The core concept is that you are identifying a specific child or children to come to Camp.
You can purchase a week at Camp for any child by going to our simple Send a Child to Camp order form. This system generates a code sent to the parent’s of the child you’re purchasing it for so they can finish the registration with us. As the person giving the registration you can choose to give it anonymously or to have your identity revealed to the recipient. You can pay for 100% of the experience, including tuck and our theme t-shirt. We don’t issue a tax receipt for these gifts because the Canadian Revenue Agency doesn’t allow this sort of designations of benefits when giving to charities like Camp Mini-Yo-We.
It goes without saying that you can also just register your own kids directly through our website. Obviously, you don’t receive a tax deductible receipt for that.
Weather you are sponsoring someone else’s child, utilizing sponsorship funds for your own child, or you are able to pay the regular camper fees, we want to encourage everyone to register for this summer as soon as possible. Camper registration is far ahead of any other past summer. Our waiting lists are way up. We don’t want families to be disappointed. So please don’t delay.
Questions? We’d love to talk.
Thank you for your interest in helping send kids come to Camp Mini-Yo-We! If you have any questions about your specific situation, we want to talk with you about it. Please contact our office today for more information:
Call: 705-385-2629