Hello Hello! We are at the end of the short series on finding your purpose.
If you’ve been with us you know that we have been created as a masterpiece. Built for purpose and that purpose can be explored through the strengths God’s given you and the heart that God is revealing to you.
It’s ultimately quite simple:
If we believe that God has a purpose for our lives and that God is the excellent creator than we can get a greater insight into our purpose by knowing ourselves well.
As we wrap up
I want to leave you with one final thought: purpose is complicated. What makes sense today will in ten, twenty, forty years look different and be understood in light of your growing and changing experiences. You may have come out of this with a clear picture or you may have gained some insight into yourself but still feel a little lost. And all of that is ok and quite normal.
Understanding your purpose is not a simple roadmap.
So, no matter how clear or muddled it all seems I want to give you a quick look at an idea that clarifies something of your purpose: Do that which brings glory to God by serving him and serving others.
Once more: Do that which brings glory to God by serving him and serving others.
Check out 1 Corinthians 10: 31-33.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
These verses are addressing a conflict in the early church around what sort of meat a Christian can buy. The arguments essentially focused on whether meat prepared for worshipping other gods should be bought by Christians. It particularly created conflicts between the incoming gentiles and those who had a Jewish background.
In the passage, it becomes a question of rights. What is within the rights of a Christian to do if grace abounds and we have freedom in Christ?
Paul’s answer is the verses we read:
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Now we aren’t exploring how to grocery shop in the early church but the principle that Paul is teaching remains for trying to figure out how to live and find a good purpose in this world.
Do it all for the glory of God
Seek the good of many
So when you step back at the end of the day you may not know everything about your purpose but you can reflect on two questions that can guide you every day:
How am I bringing Glory to God with my Life?
Am I seeking the good of others?
How am I bringing Glory to God with my Life?
Am I seeking the good of others?
Here’s my suggestion:
Write these questions down and put them in a place you will see them every day. Put them in your bible or on your mirror. Put them in a place that they can challenge your expectations as often as possible.
Pushing yourself to answers these questions will help guide you to understand your purpose.
I’ve spent the last few messages reminding you that I am always available but the truth is that all of us on the summer team are here for you anytime. Jesse is available by email at jesse@miniyowe.com. He’s a great source of positivity, enthusiasm, and a man who takes his faith seriously. Reach out to him anytime he’s there for you too.
We are praying that you will continue to grow in your faith and explore God’s purpose for you. You already brought glory to God by serving with us last summer and I know that you brought good into the lives of our campers. May we all strive to do that every day.
Keep being awesome.
This post is part of our Leap of Faith Audio Check-ins. We want to encourage you to leap into your faith and continue to grow at home, at school, and in your church. These audio check-ins are meant to encourage you as live out your faith every day.
Want to keep growing?
There are more episode of Leap of Faith and other resources for you to grow in your leadership and faith here.